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Chevy Chase

Prosthodontic Specialty Dental Practice Delivering Signature Smiles to Patients in Chevy Chase

Start your Chevy Chase Smile Makeover Today!

Your smile should not cause you embarrassment or discomfort. Elite Prosthetic Dentistry works with patients in Chevy Chase to provide unparalleled implant, cosmetic, and other restorative services for a truly radiant yet natural smile makeover. Dr. Gerald Marlin is an award-winning Chevy Chase prosthodontist who has served the community for decades.

When restoring your smile, it is essential to do it properly with the right dentist and dental office. Properly replacing missing teeth with dental implants and other restorations can improve the appearance and function of your teeth.

Not only are we highly recommended in the DC area but our dentists are recognized across the country as experts in their field of providing optimal oral health.

Dr. Gerald Marlin and Dr. George Talmazov work with patients who have not had successful smile restorations in the past, including those who have complex or challenging dental restoration cases that need expert solutions.

We prepare custom treatment plans with your smile design process in mind. When you have a smile makeover consultation we look carefully at damaged teeth, gum health, past cosmetic treatments, and your overall oral health. We will review a custom treatment plan that may include temporary restorations, dental crowns, tooth bonding, porcelain veneers, gum disease, or sedation options among a few. To achieve a brilliant smile makeover through cosmetic procedures, we often present several cosmetic treatment options to bring that new smile to life.

Our practice specializes in full smile makeover transformations by dental implant treatment, including variations of this treatment, such as an implant-supported full arch or bridge. However, we also provide cosmetic dentistry services, TMJ treatment, and sedation for patients in Chevy Chase.

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Precision Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Dental implants with Elite Prosthetic Dentistry allow you to have a secure, functional, and beautiful smile that make your teeth look natural and does not cause dental problems or discomfort. We achieve these results with careful presurgical planning with virtual implant insertion using CT scans.

Our smile makeovers are often created over dental implants using Precision Implant Placement (PIP) and a thorough planning process to ensure that your entire procedure goes smoothly on the surgery day with no surprises. Our smile makeover results speak for themselves—we have a dental implant success rate of over 97% in 20  years, which is higher than the national average.

Although we specialize in dental implants, we also provide a complete range of cosmetic dentistry services to improve your smile and provide a stunning final result, including professional teeth whitening, dental veneers, and crowns. Schedule a consultation with our office to go over all your cosmetic treatment options with our cosmetic dentist for a full treatment plan.

Successful Treatment for TMJ Disorders

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause chronic pain and discomfort, including headaches, migraines, and even trouble chewing or opening the mouth completely.

At Elite we provide many oral health treatments for those suffering from TMJ and TMD due to faulty restorations in Chevy Chase beginning with advanced diagnostics to discover the root cause of your discomfort. From there, we work to correct that problem, including providing trigger point injections for more severe cases to ensure you are pain-free once your treatment is complete.

See Examples Of Our Chevy Chase Radiant Smiles

Patient: Wanted a more healthy-looking smile, suffered teeth decalcification & spotting
Patient: Wanted to fix smile damage due to teeth grinding, and the appearance of ‘short teeth’
Patient: Wanted a more youthful smile, suffered severe teeth discoloration & staining

Have Difficulty Relaxing During Your Dental Appointment? We Offer Sedation Dentistry for Your Comfort

Your comfort is our priority when you work with our Prosthodontics specialty practice, which is why we routinely offer sedation for patients who would like extra support to feel comfortable and relaxed during their appointments,  while they receive their smile makeover. We can customize your level of sedation with your chosen treatment plan, whether you are interested in mild sedation or IV dental sedation for your procedure.

We can customize your level of sedation, whether you are interested in mild sedation or IV dental sedation for your procedure. Our compassionate team is here to ensure you have everything you need to feel as stress-free as possible during your appointments when restoring your smile.

Work With Us to Restore & Reveal Your Radiant Smile in Chevy Chase

Even if you have had implants or other restorative treatments that have not been effective, Even if you have had implants or other restorative treatments that have not been effective, Dr. Marlin offers a consultation to make sure that you are well informed as to how we can reconstruct your smile with the highest quality restorations as we restore your teeth to their natural look. Call our dentist office today for a consultation or  book a consultation with our prosthodontists and start your journey now.