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Same Day/All-on-4&6 ® Dental Implants Gallery

Same Day/All-on-4&6 ® Dental Implant Before After Gallery

We are proud to showcase the incredible transformations that our patients have experienced with our same day/All-on-4&6 ® dental implant procedures. Our All-on-4 ® before/after smile gallery features actual patients who have undergone the same day dental implant procedure and are now enjoying their beautiful, natural-looking smiles. We understand that a missing or damaged tooth can affect your confidence and overall quality of life, which is why we offer this convenient and effective solution.

Patient Didn’t Want ‘Assembly-line Type Treatments’

Situation: Mr. R from Washington DC had heard about ClearChoice®, their All-on-4® procedure, and their replacement teeth in a day without bone grafting, but, given his severely receding gums, he was skeptical about their process. He came to us because of our reputation for performing All-on-4® type of procedures emphasizing bone preservation.

Treatment: Without first performing the extensive bone grafting, his case would have failed. We extracted the bad teeth and recreated his bone structure, prior to inserting the implants. He stated that he is happy that he avoided the “assembly-line type treatments, which, I’m convinced, could NEVER have produced the results I’ve had. I now wake up every morning with a gorgeous smile, and one I don’t have to take out and put in a glass to soak overnight.”

All-On-6® Dental Implant procedure

Situation: While he did not experience as much breakdown of his teeth, Craig from Washington DC had even more bone loss than Mr. R. Once again, without extensive bone grafting when the teeth were taken out, any dental implants placed using a “new teeth in a day”, would have ultimately failed.

Treatment: Once we placed the bone grafts, we waited 5-6 months for the bone repair to be fully matured, before inserting the dental implants. This is an example of not allowing “speed” to preempt consistent, preparatory procedures.